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JASNA publications offer essays, entertainment, and news of interest to Austen fans.

  • JASNA’s peer-reviewed journals, Persuasions and Persuasions On-Line, are leading sources for Austen studies.
  • JASNA News reports on Austen-related events, programs, and books.
  • Book reviews from the newsletter are collected on this site and available to all.
  • Our Jane Austen Bibliography is published annually as a freely accessible resource for the Austen community.
  • Publications created for Annual General Meetings provide entertaining perspectives and are shared here.
  • Winning essays from JASNA’s student essay contest are published on this site in recognition of their high caliber.

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Use the site-wide keyword Search function or the Filtered Search tool below to find essays and articles on a specific topic. (NOTE: We are in the process of tagging JASNA's publications for the Filtered Search tool. If you are looking for all articles and essays on a particular topic or work, please use the keyword Search function until the tagging project has been completed.)

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JASNA’s annual, peer-reviewed journal publishes essays about Jane Austen’s life, work, and era. 


JASNA’s digital journal offers essays on Austen’s life, work, and era online, available to all.

Newsletter ›

JASNA News delivers feature articles, book reviews, Region news, and more four times a year.

Book Reviews ›

Book reviews from JASNA’s newsletter examine the latest works about Jane Austen and her era.

Jane Austen Bibliographies ›

Our annual bibliography is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, book collectors, and avid …

AGM Publications ›

Entertaining publications created for JASNA conferences range from fanfiction to an Austen ballet.

Essay Contest Winning Entries ›

Winning essays from our annual contest are published online in recognition of their high caliber.

“For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors and laugh at them in our turn?”

Pride and Prejudice