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Jane Austen Bibliography, 2018

A FEW WORDS ON FORMAT: the Bibliography has five sections:


1. Austen Editions: original works, under Austen if no extensive annotation or editing is involved; otherwise, under the editor’s name

2. Austen Circle: original works/editions by and about Austen family members and friends

3. Austen Studies: biographical, critical, and interpretive works

4. Selected Dissertations: a select, rather than exhaustive, list of works specifically on Austen

5. Popular Culture: sequels, continuations, mash-ups, films, merchandise, etc.

Explanatory notes are at the end of the document.

1. Austen Editions

  • Austen, Jane. “1813, Hertfordshire: Class Warfare: Jane Austen on Family Connections.” Lapham’s Quarterly: Rivalry and Feud 11.4 (2018). Presents the contentious dialogue between Elizabeth Bennet and Lady Catherine in the shrubbery. Also on the Web. https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/rivalry-feud/class-warfare.
  • _____. The Beautifull Cassandra: A Novel in Twelve Chapters. Illus. Leon Steinmetz. Afterword Claudia L. Johnson. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2018.
  • _____. Jane Austen Collection. [Larvae Editions]. 9 Vols. [N. p.]: CreateSpace, 2018. Includes Emma; Lady Susan; Love and Friendship and Other Early Works; Mansfield Park; Northanger Abbey; Persuasion; Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility; and The Letters of Jane Austen.
  • _____. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: With Select Recipes by Martha Stewart. New York: Puffin Books, 2018. Book to Table Classic.
  • _____. Lady Susan; The Watsons; Sanditon. Richmond, Eng: Alma, 2018. Includes notes on Austen’s life and works.
  • _____. “Letter to Fanny Knight (Nov. 30, 1814).” Classic Works from Women Writers. San Diego: Canterbury Classics, 2018.
  • _____. Persuasion. Introd. Deborah Lutz. New York: Race Point, 2018. Knickerbocker Classics.
  • _____. Sense and Sensibility. Ed. Devoney Looser. New York: Penguin, 2018. Includes an introduction and essays by Looser on inheritance, sisters, letter writing, gossip, seduction, illness, and popular culture.
  • Larkin, Alison, narr. Mansfield Park and Emma with Opinions from Austen’s Family and Friends. By Jane Austen. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audio, 2018. Unabridged audiobook.
  • _____. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, with The History of England and Poems. By Jane Austen. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audio, 2018. Unabridged audiobook.
  • _____. Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice, with Songs from Regency England. By Jane Austen. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Audio, 2018. Unabridged audiobook.
  • Pike, Rosamund, narr. Sense and Sensibility. By Jane Austen. [N.p.]: Audible, 2018. Unabridged audiobook.
  • Sutherland, Kathryn, ed. Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2018. The 5-volume set of the online digital edition: https://janeausten.ac.uk/index.html.

2. Austen Circle

  • Ballard, Mark. “Tales of Inheritance from West Kent.” Clark 68-94.
  • Barlow, Angela. “Eleanor Jackson, the Second Mrs. Henry Austen.” JAS Report (2018): 63-79.
  • Burgess, Mark. “Mrs. La Tournelle, Jane Austen’s Schoolmistress.” JAS Report (2018): 55-62.
  • Burns, Margie. “Another Unexplained Reference in Jane Austen’s Letters: ‘No One in Fact Nearer to Us than Sir John Himself.’” Notes and Queries 65.3 (2018): 342-47. Discusses Austen’s reference to Sir John Moore.
  • _____. “Three Pamphlets on the Leigh-Perrot Trial: Why Austen Sent Susan to Crosby.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • “Diana Shervington: Eccentric Doyenne of the Jane Austen World Who Entertained Visitors with Tales of Her Ancestor.” Times 4 Aug. 2018: 30.
  • Fernald, Karin. “Jane Austen’s Sailor Brothers.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 68-88.
  • Hemingway, Collins. “Family Ships.” JARW 96 (2018): 32-37. Discusses the careers and ships of Austen’s naval brothers.
  • _____. “Wentworth’s Prize.” JARW 95 (2018): 40-44. Discusses Captain Wentworth’s earnings as compared to Austen’s naval brothers.
  • Hurst, Jane. “Revd. Charles Bridges Knight and Chawton’s Earliest Photographs?” JAS Report (2018): 30-33.
  • Hussain, Azar. “‘Our Miss Austen’: Jane Austen and Mary Russell Mitford—A New Appraisal.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 238-54.
  • Ievers, Karen, and Sophia Hillan. “Edward Austen Knight’s Descendants in Ireland.” JAS Report (2018): 21-29.
  • Joice, Marilyn, and Allan Francis. “The York Lefroys.” JAS Report (2018): 80-84.
  • Jones, Hazel. “‘Good Friends and Neighbors’: Mary and Cassandra Leigh in Bath.” JAS Report (2018): 40-42.
  • Kindred, Sheila Johnson. “Fanny Palmer Austen’s Accounts: Her Pocket Diary for 1814.” JAS Report (2018): 34-39.
  • Looser, Devoney. “Two Author-Janes in the Early Nineteenth Century.” JAS Report (2018): 18-20. Discusses Jane Austen and Jane Porter.
  • Oswald, Ros. “‘We Will Have a Pianoforte.’” JARW 96 (2018): 25-30. Discusses the Austen family musical instruments.
  • Pugsley, David. “Was Aunt Jane a Shoplifter?” Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History 24.2 (2018): 82-99. Discusses the shoplifting charge against Jane Leigh-Perrot.
  • Tickell, Shelley. Shoplifting in Eighteenth-Century England. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell, 2018. References to Austen’s Aunt Leigh-Perrot.
  • Timms, Elizabeth Jane. “Aunt Jane’s Advice.” JARW 93 (2018): 47-51. Discusses Austen’s letters to her niece Anna Lefroy. 

3. Austen Studies 

  • Amis, Martin. “Jane Austen and the Dream Factory.” The Rub of Time: Bellow, Nabokov, Hitchens, Travolta, Trump: Essays and Reportage, 1986-2017. New York: Knopf, 2018. 317-26. Amis’s essay from The New Yorker (1997) is included.
  • Anderson, Kathleen. “‘Every Day Was Adding to the Verdure of the Early Trees’: Women, Trees, and the Relationship between Self and Other in Jane Austen’s Novels.” Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 25.1 (2018): 80-94.
  • _____.  Jane Austen’s Women: An Introduction. Albany: State U of New York, 2018.
  • Ard, Patricia M. “Dashing in Persuasion: The Effects of a Pause.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 230-37.
  • Armstrong, Nancy, and Leonard Tennenhouse. Novels in the Time of Democratic Writing. The American Example. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2018. Haney Foundation Series. Many references to Austen in Ch. 1: “Style in the Time of Epidemic Writing.”
  • Auer, Anita. “Jane Austen’s Sensitivity to the Subjunctive as a Social Shibboleth.” The Challenge of Change. Ed. Margaret Tudeau-Clayton and Martin Hilpert. Tubingen, Ger: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018. 201-22. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, Vol. 36. Conference of the Swiss Association of University Teachers of English (SAUTE) held at the University of Neuchâtel on 28-29 April 2017.
  • Auyoung, Elaine. “Enduring Minds in Austen: Becoming Familiar with Fictional Characters.” When Fiction Feels Real: Representation and the Reading Mind. New York: Oxford UP, 2018. 38-60.
  • Badhwar, Neera K., and E. M. Dadlez. “Love and Friendship: Achieving Happiness in Jane Austen’s Emma.” Dadlez 25-54.
  • Bae, Kyungjin. “The Significance of Luxury in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey.” Journal of Modern British and American Language and Literature 36.4 (2018): 89-107. Korean text.
  • Bailey, Lucy, Elizabeth Betts, and Sue Dell, eds. Stories in Stitches: Reimagining Jane Austen’s Quilt. Chawton: Jane Austen’s House Museum, 2018.
  • Bainbridge, Claire. “‘Unwholesome Tissues of False Sentiment’: Jane Austen, the Silver Fork Novel, and Fashions of Reading.” Hopkins 19-41.
  • Baker, Clifton. “Fathoming the Entail in Pride and Prejudice.” Sensibilities 56 (2018): 68-82.
  • Baker, Geoffrey. “Empiricism, Evidence Law, and Emma.Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Ballinger, Gill. “Adapting Austen ‘For the New Generation’: ITV’s 2007 Trilogy Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion.” Hopkins 145-75.
  • Bander, Elaine. “‘Cheerful beyond Her Expectation’: Mrs. Smith, Adam Smith, and Austen.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 76-92.
  • Banerjee, Trisha Urmi. “Austen Equilibrium.” Representations 143 (2018): 63-90. Proposes a quantitative game-theory model of the marriage plot in Emma.
  • Banister, Julia. “(De)romanticizing Military Heroism: Clarke, Southey, Austen.” Masculinity, Militarism and Eighteenth-Century Culture, 1689-1815. New York; Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2018. 185-217.
  • _____. “Masculinity and Militarism in Jane Austen’s The Brothers.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Barchas, Janine. “How Celebrity Name-Dropping Leads to a New Location for Pemberley.” Clark 203-19. A revised essay that was first published in Persuasions 35 (2013): 75-94, and on the Web here: http://jasna.org/publications/persuasions/no35/barchas/.
  • Barin Akman, Filiz. “An Investigation of Socio-Economic Incentives and Implications of Matrimony on Women’s Lives in Jane Austen’s Novels.” Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi [Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography] 58.1 (2018): 1101-127. Also on the Web. http://dtcfdergisi.ankara.edu.tr/index.php/dtcf/article/view/4780/5500.
  • Barnum, Deborah. “Jane Austen Bibliography, 2017.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “Seeking Lost Books.” JARW 94 (2018): 46-51. About the Godmersham Lost Sheep Society and their efforts to locate and return Edward Austen Knight’s Godmersham Park library books to Chawton House.
  • Battaglia, Beatrice. Nel cuore di Jane: Ri-leggendo Persuasion [In Jane’s Heart: Re-Reading Persuasion]. Napoli: Liguori editore, 2018. Italian text.
  • Baublyté Kaufmann, Ruta. The Architecture of Space-Time in the Novels of Jane Austen. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • Baugh, Victoria. “Mixed-Race Heiresses in Early-Nineteenth-Century Literature: Sanditon’s Miss Lambe in Context.” European Romantic Review 29.4 (2018): 449-58.
  • Bautz, Annika. “Austen’s Late-Nineteenth-Century Afterlives: 1890s Introductions to Her Novels.” Bautz and Wootten 468-85.
  • Bautz, Annika, and Sarah Wootton, eds. Bicentennial Essays on Jane Austen’s Afterlives. Spec. issue of Women’s Writing 25.4 (2018): 413-548. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. “Bicentennial Essays on Jane Austen’s Afterlives: Introduction.” Bautz and Wootten 413-15.
  • Belcher, Kimberly Hope. “‘A Spirit of Improvement Abroad’? Jane Austen and Liturgical Reform in 1813.” Worship 92.2 (2018): 157-75.
  • Bertolini, Mary Ellen. “The Grace to Deserve: Weighing Merit in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Biajoli, Maria Clara Pivato. “When Sanditon met Pride and Prejudice: Crossovers and Influences in Jane Austen Fan Fiction.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Bobyleva, T. V. [Бобылева, Татьяна]. “Роль Стилистического Диссонанса В Переводе А. Ю. Фроловой На Русский Язык Романа Дж. Остин Sense and Sensibility, Часть 1” [“The Role of Stylistic Dissonance in Alla Y. Frolova’s Russian Translation of J. Austen’s Novel Sense and Sensibility, Part 1].” Kemerovo State U Bulletin 75.2 (2018): 155-61. Russian text.
  • _____. “Роль Стилистического Диссонанса В Переводе А. Ю. Фроловой На Русский Язык Романа Дж. Остин Sense and Sensibility, Часть 2” [“The Role of Stylistic Dissonance in Alla Y. Frolova’s Russian Translation of J. Austen’s Novel Sense and Sensibility, Part 2].” Kemerovo State U Bulletin 75.3 (2018): 159-65. Russian text.
  • Bollmann, Stefan. Women Who Write Are Dangerous. Fwd. Francine Prose. Rev. ed. New York: Abbeville, 2018. Austen gets many mentions.
  • Borham-Puyal, Miriam. “New Adventures in Old Texts: Gender Roles and Cultural Canons in Twenty-First-Century Mash-Ups.” Journal of Popular Culture 51.6 (2018): 1312-31. Discusses Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009) and Házael González’s Don Quixote mash-up Quijote Z (2010).
  • Bowman, Peter James. “A Real-Life Jane Austen Heroine and Her Naval Hero.” The Trafalgar Chronicle. New Series 3. Ed. Peter Hore. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Seaforth, 2018. 13-23. Journal of the 1805 Club.
  • Bray, Joe. “The Figurative Language of Sanditon.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • _____. The Language of Jane Austen. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • Britton, Jeanne M. “‘To Know What You Are All Thinking’: Riddles and Minds in Jane Austen’s Emma.” Poetics Today 39.4 (2018): 651-78.
  • Bronzini, Stefano. “Bianco, nero e infinite sfumature di colori: Una nota su Pride and Prejudice.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 73-88. Italian text.
  • Browne, Chris. “Collecting Jane Austen: Creating a Personal Jane Austen Library.” Sensibilities 56 (2018): 27-48.
  • Bullamore, Tim. “I’m Persuaded.” JARW 94 (2018): 32-36. About Stephanie Dale’s stage play of Persuasion.
  • Burgess, Miranda. “Jane Austen on Paper.” Romantic Life. Spec. issue of European Romantic Review 29.3 (2018): 365-75.
  • Burgess, Tawny. “Jane Austen in the Nursing Classroom: A Tool to Expand Psychiatric Assessment Skills.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Bury, Joceline. “Cradle of Genius.” JARW 95 (2018): 18-21. About the archaeological dig at Steventon.
  • Byrne, Aidan, and Samantha Fleming. “Sex Sells (Out): Neoliberalism and Erotic Fan Fiction.” Journal of Popular Culture 51.3 (2018): 693-715. Discusses Austen’s fan fiction.
  • Camden, Jennifer, and Kate Faber Oestreich. Transmedia Storytelling: Pemberley Digital’s Adaptations of Jane Austen and Mary Shelley. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018.
  • Case, Margaret. “Catching Austen in Acts of Greatness: Re-Reading Sanditon with Caution.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Civale, Susan. “Austentatious: Comedy Improv and Austen Adaptation in the Twenty-First Century.” Bautz and Wootten 416-28.
  • Clark, Robert. “‘If You Could Discover Whether Northamptonshire Is a Country of Hedgerows’: The Location of Mansfield Park.” Clark 220-36.
  • _____. “Introduction [to Jane Austen’s Geographies].” Clark 1-27.
  • _____, ed. Jane Austen’s Geographies. New York; London: Routledge, 2018. Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. “‘Slight and Fugitive Indications’: Some Locations in Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice.” Clark 128-55.
  • Clements, James, and Patricia McGuire. “Jane Austen at King’s College, Cambridge.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Clery, E. J. “Conversations on Political Economy in Sanditon.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “‘That Is Capital’: Views of London in Pride and Prejudice.” Clark 156-74.
  • Cohen, Paula Marantz. “The Simplest Course I Ever Taught.” Chronicle of Higher Education 26 Jan. 2018: 8. Discusses teaching Pride and Prejudice.
  • _____. “What Jane Austen Can Teach Us About Sexual Harassment.” Wall Street Journal Online 2 Jan. 2018: 1. Web [subscribers only]. https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-jane-austen-can-teach-us-about-sexual-harassment-1514822957. See also follow-up letters here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/austen-taught-us-a-lot-but-not-about-harassment-1515090628, and here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jane-austen-on-sexual-harassment-vol-ii-1516227057, and here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/jane-austen-on-sexual-harassment-vol-iii-1517602935.
  • Comyn, Sarah. “The Speculative World of Sanditon.” Political Economy and the Novel: A Literary History of “Homo Economicus.” Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 63-91. Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Economics.
  • Cooper, Liz Philosophos. “‘You Pierce My Soul.” JARW 91 (2018): 16-21. Discusses the publication history of Persuasion.
  • Copeland, Edward. “Richardson and Austen: Cash Equivalents.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 149-70.
  • Cox, Brenda S. “Marianne Dashwood’s Repentance, Willoughby’s ‘Repentance,’ and The Book of Common Prayer.Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Craig, Sheryl. “Money Lost and Money Found in Persuasion.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 55-67.
  • _____. “The Persuasion of Pounds.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 133-46.
  • Dadlez, E. M. “Introduction [to Jane Austen’s Emma: Philosophical Perspectives].” Dadlez 1-24.
  • _____, ed. Jane Austen’s Emma: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2018. Oxford Studies in Philosophy and Literature. Essays are individually cited.
  • D’Agnillo, Renzo. “Education and Self-Knowledge: Pedagogical Relations in Mansfield Park.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 107-22.
  • D’Alfonso, Francesca. “‘An Unnatural Beginning’: Persuasion fra strategie del silenzio e ipotesi di revision.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 63-72. Italian text.
  • Dalley, Lana L. “Mediations on Value in Mansfield Park, or Jane Austen Tries to Balance the Books.” Bautz and Wootten 443-53.
  • Darcy, Jane. “Jane Austen’s Sanditon, Doctors, and the Rise of Seabathing.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Dashwood, Rita J. “Jane Austen Studies 2018.” JAS Report (2018): 85-87.
  • _____. “‘An Office in which She Had Always Depended’: Surrogate Managers in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Persuasion.” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41.3 (2018): 373-89.
  • Davies, David. “Misreading Emma.” Dadlez 184-215.
  • Davis, Kathryn. “‘A New Set of Opinions and of Hopes’: Lady Russell’s Education.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 61-75.
  • _____. “‘Rotatory Motion’: The ‘Circle’ and Human Flourishing in Sanditon.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Demidova, Marina M. “Peculiarities of Gerund Translation in Literary Text (Based on the Novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and Its Russian Version).” Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin 8 (2018): 39-44. Also on the Web [Russian text]. https://vestnik.tspu.edu.ru/files/vestnik/PDF/articles/demidova_m._m._39_44_8_197_2018.pdf.
  • DeVaull-Robichaud, Natalie. “‘She Saw Indeed’: Perception and Speculation in Sanditon.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Dickson, Leigh Wetherall. “‘Only Four Months a Widow’: The Story-Telling Wardrobe of Lady Susan in Whit Stillman’s Love and Friendship (2016).” Hopkins 177-95.
  • Dodge, Rachel. Praying with Jane: 31 Days through the Prayers of Jane Austen. Bloomington, MN: Bethany, 2018.
  • Dooley, Gillian, and Charles Dufour. “‘A More Gentle, Less Dignified, Forgiveness’: Willoughby’s Apology in the Context of Austen’s Religious Beliefs.” Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Dooley, Gillian, Kirstine Moffat, and John Wiltshire. “Music and Class in Jane Austen.” Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Dowling, Finuala. “Jane Austen’s Cape Connections.” Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa 72.1 (2018): 37-54.
  • Draxler, Bridget, and Danielle Spratt. Engaging the Age of Jane Austen: Public Humanities in Practice. Iowa City: U Iowa P, 2018.
  • Dredge, Sarah. “‘Within View of His Own Warehouses’: Sites of Change in Pride and Prejudice and North and South.” Hopkins 43-60.
  • Duran, Josiah J. “Astonished at Amelia: Amelia Wildenhaim’s Salutary Influence on Fanny Price.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 180-89.
  • During, Simon, and Lisa O’Connell. “Mansfield Park and Political Theology.” Political Theology 19.7 (2018): 662-67.
  • Duquette, Natasha. “The Sensibility of Captain Benwick in Literary and Historical Context.” Kramp 97-111.
  • Easton, Celia A. “Seduction and Seducers in English Spa Towns: Jane Austen’s Opportunity of Place.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 104-17.
  • Eldridge, Richard. “‘A Danger at Present Unperceived’: Self-Understanding, Imagination, Emotion, and Social Stance in Emma.” Dadlez 109-33.
  • Emsley, Sarah, ed. Youth and Experience: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion. Web. A collection of essays by various writers / scholars over a 7-month period [Dec. 2017-June 2018] celebrating the bicentennial of the publication of Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, and published on Sarah Emsley’s blog. https://sarahemsley.com/celebrating-austen-wharton-and-montgomery/youth-and-experience-northanger-abbey-and-persuasion/.
  • Ewers, Chris. “Northanger Abbey and the Austen’s ‘Wandering Story.’” Mobility in the English Novel from Defoe to Austen. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell, 2018. 161-89.
  • Fergus, Jan. “Sketches of Men’s Kvetches: Domestic Masculinities in Emma and Persuasion.” Kramp 25-39.
  • Ferguson, Olivia. “Historicizing Austen’s ‘Caricatures.’Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Ferreira, Carla Alexandra, and Raquel Terezinha Rodrigues. “Jane Austen: Uma leitura de Becoming Jane (2007).” Anuário de Literatura 23.1 (2018): 11-30. Portuguese text.
  • Fitzpatrick-Hanly, Margaret Ann. Jane Austen: Sibling Rivalry, Unconscious Fantasy and Change. [N.p.]: Ipbooks, 2018. Offers psychoanalytic readings of all the novels.
  • Folsom, Marcia McClintock. “The Final Chapters of Persuasion: Austen’s Passionate Revision.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 15-31.
  • Ford, Susan Allen. “Sailors in Fiction before Persuasion’s ‘Gentlemen of the Navy.’” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Frawley, Maria, Kaitlyn Nigro, and Gwendolyn Umbach. “To Be ‘Esteemed Quite Worthy’: Fortunes, Futures, and Economic Language in Persuasion.Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Freeland, Cynthia. “Emma’s Pensive Meditations.” Dadlez 55-83.
  • Fullerton, Susannah. “Jane and the Archbishop.” JARW 95 (2018): 28-31. Discusses Archbishop Whately’s review of Jane Austen’s novels in 1821.
  • _____. “Sir Walter Elliot: The Constant Reader.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 89-102.
  • Furnell, Gary. “Capers and Frisks: Jane Austen’s Children.” Quadrant May 2018: 79-82.
  • Garcia, Christien. “Left Hanging: Silence, Suspension, and Desire in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” Eighteenth Century 59.1 (2018): 85-103.
  • Gentile, Kathy Justice. “Sublime Laughter in Jane Austen’s Sanditon.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Gillis, Stacy. “Manners, Money, and Marriage: Austen, Heyer, and the Literary Genealogy of the Regency Romance.” Hopkins 81-101.
  • Gomez-Galisteo, M. Carmen. “Dear Elinor, Dear Marianne: Letter-Writing, Marriage Prospects and Women’s Roles in Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and Elinor and Marianne by Emma Tennant.” A Successful Novel Must Be in Want of a Sequel: Second Takes on Classics from The Scarlet Letter to Rebecca. Jefferson, NC; McFarland, 2018. 15-39.
  • _____. “Looking for Mr. Right Darcy: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Its Multiple Rewritings.” A Successful Novel Must Be in Want of a Sequel: Second Takes on Classics from The Scarlet Letter to Rebecca. Jefferson, NC; McFarland, 2018. 40-65.
  • Gooneratne, Yasmine. “Mrs. Bennet’s Hermitage.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 38-42.
  • Goşa, Codruţa, and Dana Percec. “From Pride and Prejudice to Death Comes to Pemberley, A Reader Oriented Study.” Romanian Journal of English Studies 15.1 (2018): 82-91.
  • Grace, Maria. How Jane Austen Kept Her Cool: An A to Z History of Georgian Ice Cream. [Author]: White Soup, 2018.
  • Graefe, Melinda. “‘Dido, in Despair!’ Emma Hamilton’s Attitudes and the Shape of Mourning in Persuasion.” Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Grandi, Roberta. “Silenzio e sentiment: Parole, immagini e censura nel romanzo di Jane Austen e in tre adattamenti.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 135-56. Italian text.
  • Greaney, Michael. “The Yawns of Lady Bertram”: Sleep, Subjectivity and Sociability in Jane Austen.” Sleep and the Novel: Fictions of Somnolence from Jane Austen to the Present. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • The Great American Read: The Book of Books: Explore America’s 100 Best-Loved Novels. New York: Black Dog and Leventhal, 2018. Pride and Prejudice makes the list, and Austen is mentioned many other times.
  • Greiner, Rae. “Stupidity.” Victorian Literature and Culture 46. 3-4 (2018): 891-95. Compares the treatment of “stupidity” in George Eliot and Austen.
  • Grover, Danielle. “Mr. Collins Explained.” JARW 91 (2018): 23-28.
  • Gutleben, Christian. “A Cracked Construction: Postmodernist Fragmentation and Fusion in McEwan’s Atonement” [“Fragmentation et fusion postmodernistes dans Atonement d’Ian McEwan”]. Etudes Britanniques Contemporaines: Revue de la Société d’Etudes Anglaises Contemporaines 55 (2018): 1-12. Discusses McEwan’s combining Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf, humour and tragedy, realism and metatextuality, romance and historical fiction.
  • Halsey, Katie. “‘The Certain Corrective’: Sanditon, Students and Strategies of Defamiliarization.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Hamill, Kate, adapt. Pride and Prejudice. Based on the Novel by Jane Austen. New York: Dramatists Play Services, 2018.
  • Harbers, Anne. “Snuff Boxes, Patch Boxes and Vinaigrettes: The Superb Silver of Jane Austen’s Time.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 20-37.
  • Harish, Janani [Ramanathan]. “Literature as a Key to Understanding People, Society and Life.” Cadmus 3.4 (2018): 39-56. Uses Pride and Prejudice to illustrate the power of literature as a source of knowledge that transcends the insights of history, sociology, psychology, philosophy and conventional literary criticism. Also on the Web. https://www.cadmusjournal.org/article/volume-3/issue-4/literature-key-understanding-people-society-and-life.
  • Harris, Jocelyn. “Captain Wentworth and the Duke of Monmouth: Brilliant, Dangerous, and Headstrong.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “‘Irish I Dare Say’: Satire in Persuasion.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 44-54.
  • _____. “What Would Austen Say about Trump? Plenty.” Times Higher Education 17 May 2018: 34. Also on the Web. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/what-would-jane-austen-say-about-mr-trump.
  • Hartung, Heike. “Representations of Pain and Politeness in the Late Eighteenth-Century Novel: Pain Expression in Adam Smith’s Concept of Sympathy and Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility.” Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, Band 10. Ed. Florian Steger. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2018. 15-29.
  • Haylock, Sean, and Craig Taylor. “Free Indirect Style and Moral Thought in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Hemingway, Collins. “How the ‘Long War’ Affected Jane Austen’s Family and Her Novels.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “London Run Riot.” JARW 94 (2018): 38-44. Discusses the actual historical events that Austen references in Northanger Abbey.
  • _____. “When a Slave Island Does Not Mean Slavery: An Audit of Mrs. Smith’s Encumbered Funds.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 213-20.
  • Herman, Jan. “Quand la réalité devient livre: Stéréotypes gothiques dans Northanger Abbey de Jane Austen (1817) et le Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse [The Manuscript Found in Saragossa] de Jean Potocki (1810).” Romanesques noirs (1750-1850).  Spec. issue of Romanesques: Revue du Centre d’Études du Roman et du Romanesque 10 (2018): 205-25. French text.
  • Herrero López, Isis. “Translating Social and Material Culture: Sanditon in Spanish.” Translation and Literature 27.1 (2018): 53-69.
  • Hill, Constance. Jane Austen Her Homes and Her Friends. Illus. Ellen G. Hill. 1923. Mineola, NY: Dover, 2018.
  • Himes, Amanda E. “Reading the Tea Leaves: Sanditon’s Reflection of English Identity.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Hogan, Patrick Colm. “Persuasion: Lessons in Sociocognitive Understanding.” Lau 180-99.
  • Holobut, Agata, and Jan Rybicki. “Pride and Prejudice and Programming: A Stylometric Analysis.” Adapted from the Original: Essays on the Value and Values of Works Remade for a New Medium. Ed. Laurence Raw. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 134-47.
  • Hopkins, Lisa, ed. After Austen: Reinventions, Rewritings, Revisitings. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. “Georgette Heyer: What Austen Left Out.” Hopkins 61-79.
  • _____. “Introduction: Looking at Austen.” Hopkins 1-15.
  • _____. “Waltzing with Wellington, Biting with Byron: Heroes in Austen Tribute Texts.” Kramp 173-89.
  • Hultquist, Aleksondra. “Passionate Educations: John Locke, Aphra Behn, and Jane Austen.” English Literature 5 (2018): 163-82.
  • Hurst, Jane. “Communicating through Scents: An Interview with Jane Hurst.” BMC Biology 16.1 (2018): 1-3. Discusses the connection between Austen and pheronomes.
  • Hussain, Azar. “‘Jane Austen: An Early Comment’—Revisited.” Notes and Queries 65.3 (2018): 359-61.
  • Hutchings, W. B. “‘They Slowly Paced the Gradual Ascent’: Taking Time with Jane Austen’s Novels.” JAS Report (2018): 92-102.
  • Hwang, Sheila. “‘What the Stranger’s Eye Will Seek’: Visiting and Revisiting the Watering Places in Persuasion.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 118-32.
  • “Jane Austen.” Writers: Their Lives and Works. Fwd. James Naughtie. New York: DK, 2018. 68-71.
  • Jane Austen Society. News Letter: The Jane Austen Society 50, 51 (2018). Ed. Maggie Lane and Mary Hogg.
  • _____. Report for 2018 (2018). Ed. Maggie Lane and Mary Hogg. Essays are individually cited.
  • Jane Austen Society (Kent Branch). Austentations 18 (2018). Ed. Paul Morris.
  • Jane Austen Society (Midlands Branch). Transactions 29 (2018). Ed. Dawn Thomas.
  • Jane Austen Society (Northern Branch). Impressions (2018). Ed. Marilyn Joice.
  • Jane Austen Society of Australia. JASA Chronicle (2018). Ed. Ruth Williamson.
  • _____. Sensibilities 56, 57 (2018). Ed. Joanna Penglase. Essays are individually cited.
  • Jane Austen Society of North America. JASNA News 34.1-3 (2018). Ed. Sheryl Craig.
  • _____. Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 40 (2018). Ed. Susan Allen Ford. Essays are individually cited. Table of Contents on the Web.
  • _____. Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 39.1 (2018). Ed. Susan Allen Ford. Web. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. Sanditon: 200 Years. Spec. issue of Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 38.2 (2018). Ed. Susan Allen Ford and Anne Toner. Web. Selected essays from the conference at Trinity College. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. Undisciplined Austen. Spec. issue of Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line 38.3 (2018). Ed. Susan Allen Ford, Gillian Dooley, and Eric Parisot. Web. Essays are individually cited.
  • Jane Austen’s Regency World [JARW]. Ed. Tim Bullamore. Bath: Lansdown, 2018. Issues 91-96. Austen-related articles are individually cited.
  • Jesus, Ivoneide Soares dos Santos de, and Vinícius Carvalho Pereira. “Jane Austen and the Zombie Authorship Phenomenon in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” Ilha do Desterro 71.2 (2018): 109-28. Portuguese text. Also on the Web. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2175-80262018000200109&lng=en&tlng=en.
  • John, Eileen. “Emma and Defective Action.” Dadlez 84-108.
  • Johnston, Freya. “Jane Austen’s Universals.” Essays in Criticism 68.2 (2018): 211-33.
  • Johnson, Katherine. “Literary Heritage Writ Large at the Jane Austen Festival, Bath.” Hopkins 267-85.
  • Jones, Hazel. “‘She Had Only Navy-Lists and Newspapers for Her Authority.’Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Jones, John Avery. “How Much Income Tax Did Jane Austen Pay?” JAS Report (2018): 43-54.
  • Jones, Wendy S. “Mapping Love in Mansfield Park.” Lau 75-94.
  • Kaminski, Marek M. “Some Thoughts on Michael Chwe’s Jane Austen, Game Theorist.” Decyzje 30 (2018): 63-74. Also on the Web. https://www.academia.edu/39110290/Some_Thoughts_on_Michael_Chwes_Jane_Austen_Game_Theorist_.
  • Kaplan, Laurie. “Jane Austen’s Allusive Geographies: London’s Streets, Squares and Gardens.” Clark 175-202.
  • Kelly, Caitlin. “Learning to Talk Back to Texts: Multimedia Models for Students (and Teachers).” Pedagogy 18.1 (2018): 174-80. Discusses The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
  • Kenney, Theresa. “A Tale of Two Captains: Whose Heart Is Worth Having?Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Kincade, Kit. “Failures of the Patriarchy: Fathers as Role Models in Jane Austen.” Kramp 41-59.
  • King, Rachael Scarborough. “Leaving ‘the World’: The Decline of the Epistolary Novel from Burney to Austen.” Writing to the World: Letters and the Origins of Modern Print Genres. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2018. 154-89.
  • Kivy, Peter. “The Dilemma of Emma: Substance, Style, and Story.” Dadlez 216-42.
  • Knox-Shaw, Peter. “Jane Austen and the Myth of the Enduring Jacobite.” Review of English Studies 69 (2018): 298-315.
  • _____. “The Reconstrual of Imagination and Romance.” Dadlez 158-83.
  • Korducki, Kelli Maria. Hard To Do: The Surprising, Feminist History of Breaking Up. Toronto: Coach House, 2018. The politics of romantic love and its dissolution from Jane Austen to Taylor Swift.
  • Kramp, Michael. “Introduction: Austen and Masculinity.” Kramp 1-20.
  • _____, ed. Jane Austen and Masculinity. Lewisburg; Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018. Essays are individually cited.
  • Kronshage, Eike. “‘The Amorous Effects of “Brass”’: Jane Austen.” Vision and Character. Physiognomics and the English Realist Novel. New York: Routledge, 2018. 25-49. Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature.
  • Lang, Heather. “Mermaids Don’t Read Jane Austen Novels.” My Body, My Words: A Collection of Bodies. Ed. Loren Kleinman and Amye Archer. Introd. Martha Frankel. Boston: Big Table, 2018. 201-02.
  • Lanser, Susan Sniader. “Aging with Austen.” PMLA 133.3 (2018): 654-60.
  • _____. “Sense and Reticence: Jane Austen’s ‘Indirections.’” Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice. 1992. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2018. 61-80.
  • Lau, Beth. “Catherine’s Education in Mindreading in Northanger Abbey.” Lau 37-57.
  • _____, ed. Jane Austen and Sciences of the Mind. New York: Routledge, 2018. Routledge Studies in Romanticism 24. Essays are individually cited.
  • _____. “Sexual Selection and Female Choice in Austen’s Northanger Abbey.” Studies in the Novel 50.4 (2018): 465-82.
  • Lauri-Lucente, Gloria. “Filming Silence and the Invisible: Jane Austen, Patricia Rozema and Mansfield Park.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 123-34.
  • Le Faye, Deirdre. “The Cult of Jane Austen: ‘Her Fame is Far from Universal.’” Sensibilities 56 (2018): 5-26.
  • _____. “Jane Austen: A Hitherto Unknown Fragment of Letter No. 87 Sold at Auction.” Notes and Queries 65.3 (2018): 349-50.
  • _____. “Jane Austen: Appearance of Three Missing Letters.” Notes and Queries 65.3: 347-49.
  • _____. “Pride and Prejudice: Chapman’s Internal Dating Corrected.” Notes and Queries 65.3 (2018): 351-57.
  • _____. “Pride and Prejudice: What Loppings and Croppings?” Notes and Queries 65.3 (2018): 357-59.
  • Leah, Gordon. “Jane Austen’s ‘Religious Principle’: Reflections on Re-Reading Her Novel, Mansfield Park.” Heythrop Journal 59 (2018): 1-12. Web [subscribers only]. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/heyj.13044.
  • Leffel, John C. “Conjugal Excursions, at Home and Abroad, in Jane Austen’s ‘Juvenilia’ and Sanditon.” Clark 28-51.
  • Levy, Michelle. “Sanditon as Fragmentary Draft Manuscript.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Li, Fang. “Jane Austen’s Shapely Sentence and the Differentiation of Dialogue from Narrative: Towards a Clause Complex of Her Own.” On Verbal Art: Ripples in a Timeless World: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan. Ed. Rebekah Wegener, Stella Neumann, and Antje Oesterle. Sheffield, UK: Equinox, 2018. 166-87.
  • Liu, Sihui. “A Study on Attitudinal Meanings of Different Narrative Roles in Emma.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 8.9 (2018): 1160-66. Also on the Web. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0662/485b45486b4e5d969da8488a66641bbf7ee8.pdf.
  • Looser, Devoney. “Beyond Austen and Shelley.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum 98.1 (2018): 22.
  • _____. “Fame in the Family: Jane Austen’s Political Legacy.” Family Ties. Spec. issue of Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature 133 (2018): 7-23.
  • Lorenz, Matt. “Pride and Prejudice and Social Identity Theory.” Lau 115-35.
  • MacMahon, Barbara. “Jane Austen, Free Indirect Style, Gender and Interiority in Literary Fiction.” Hopkins 221-43.
  • Magee, Gayle. “Performing to Strangers: Masculinity, Adaptation, and Music in Pride and Prejudice (1995).” Kramp 233-51.
  • Mallett, Phillip. “Arguing with Jane Austen: Austen’s Mansfield Park and Henry James’s The Europeans.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 89-106.
  • Mangiavellano, Daniel R. “Reciprocity and Hospitality in Persuasion.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 221-29.
  • Marroni, Francesco. “Mansfield Park: Gerarchie del silenzio, gerarchie dell’amore.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 13-34. Italian text.
  • Marroni, Francesco, and Francesca D’Alfonso, eds. Jane Austen: Silenzi, lacune, allusion [Jane Austen: Silences, Gaps, Allusions]. Lanciano: Carabba, 2018. Anglia and Beyond 2. Selected papers presented at the conference held at the Università degli studi di Campobasso, November 7-8, 2017. Essays are either in Italian or English and are individually cited.
  • Marzana, Sara. “One and Many Truths Artistically Acknowledged: Exploring the Concept of ‘Truth Universally Acknowledged’ in Pride and Prejudice and The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” Exchanges 5.2 (2018): 90-105.
  • Mason, Walter. “The Zen of Jane: Buddhist Lessons from the Writings of Jane Austen.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 5-19.
  • Maurer, Shawn Lisa. “Lydia Still: Adolescent Wildness in Pride and Prejudice.” The Future of Feminist Eighteenth-Century Scholarship: Beyond Recovery. Ed. Robin Runia. New York: Routledge, 2018. 31-48. Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature.
  • McClay, David. Dear Mr. Murray: Letters to a Gentleman Publisher. London: John Murray, 2018. See Ch. 6 for Jane Austen’s letters on Emma.
  • McClelland, Richard T. “Shamelessness in Jane Austen: The Case of Lady Susan.” Journal of Mind and Behavior 39.3 (2018): 229-50.
  • McLoughlin, Kate. “Complexions: Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818).” Veteran Poetics: British Literature in the Age of Mass Warfare, 1790-2015. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2018. 41-49.
  • McMaster, Juliet. “Revisiting Lake Louise 1993.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • “The Men Who Love Jane.” Letters. American Scholar 87.1 (2018): 4. Four letters to the editor by Adam Quinan, “Falzf,” “Schwabbie 28,” and Mary Watson, in response to William Deresiewicz, “A Jane Austen Kind of Guy,” American Scholar 86.4 (2017): 84-93. Also on the Web. https://theamericanscholar.org/responses-to-our-autumn-2017-issue/#.XguekkdKhPY.
  • Merriman, Jan. “Persuasion: A Naval Love Affair.” Sensibilities 56 (2018): 83-95.
  • Michoux, Anne-Claire. “‘To Be a True Citizen of Highbury’: Language and National Identity in Jane Austen’s Emma (1816).” Fashioning England and the English: Literature, Nation, Gender. Ed. Rahel Orgis and Matthias Heim. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 203-26.
  • Michoux, Anne-Claire,  and Katrin Rupp. “‘If Wommen Hadde Writen Stories’: Gender and Social Change in Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale’ and Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” The Challenge of Change. Ed. Margaret Tudeau-Clayton and Martin Hilpert. Tubingen, Ger: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018. 101-22. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, Vol. 36. Conference of the Swiss Association of University Teachers of English (SAUTE) held at the University of Neuchâtel on 28-29 April 2017.
  • Morelli, Emanuela. Giardino inglese attraverso gli occhi di Jane Austen: Tra wilderness e shrubbery [The English Garden through Jane Austen’s Eyes: Between Wilderness and Shrubbery]. Firenze: Angelo Pontecorboli editore, 2018. Italian text.
  • Morrissey, Joseph. “Needlework in Charlotte Smith’s The Old Manor House and Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.” Women’s Domestic Activity in the Romantic-Period Novel, 1770-1820: Dangerous Occupations. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 17-74.
  • _____. “Reading Novels in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey.” Women’s Domestic Activity in the Romantic-Period Novel, 1770-1820: Dangerous Occupations. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 129-72.
  • Mullan, John. “Self-Delusion and Agitation in Persuasion.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 32-44.
  • Mullen, Alexandra. “Associations of Thought.” Hudson Review 70.4 (2018): 535-49. An in-depth review of several critical works on Austen in the past year.
  • Müller, Wolfgang G. “Irony in Jane Austen: A Cognitive-Narratological Approach.” How to Do Things with Narrative: Cognitive and Diachronic Perspectives. Ed. Jan Alber and Greta Olson. Berlin, Ger: de Gruyter, 2018. 43-64. Festschrift for Monika Fludernik on the Occasion of Her Sixtieth Birthday.
  • Murray, Douglas. “Mobility in England, 1816: Austen’s Emma and Repton’s ‘View from My Own Cottage.’” Clark 237-50.
  • Nagel, Christopher C. “The Problem of the Jane Austen Musical.” Bautz and Wootten 499-511.
  • Nash, Penelope. “Jane Austen and Medieval Women: What on Earth Do They Have in Common?” Sensibilities 56 (2018):49-67.
  • Nelles, William. “Austen’s Juvenilia and Sciences of the Mind.” Lau 14-36.
  • Nelson, Camilla. “The Trouble with Mary: Curtis Sittenfeld’s Eligible and the Single Woman.” Hopkins 127-44.
  • Newbould, M-C. “Gothic Piles and Cynical Follies Revisited: A Quizzical Tour through Country House Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century.” Nordic Journal of English Studies 17.1 (2018): 85-119. Also in the Web. Some discussion of Northanger Abbey. http://ojs.ub.gu.se/ojs/index.php/njes/article/view/4387/3526.
  • Niece, Jennarae. “Slipping into the Ha-Ha: Metatextuality, Performance, and the Farce of Mansfield Park.” Midwest Quarterly 59.2 (2018): 232-46.
  • Nixon, Cheryl. “Wards and Apprentices: The Legal and Literary Construction of the Familial Position of the Child.” Literary Cultures and Eighteenth-Century Childhoods. Ed. Andrew O’Malley. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 51-74. Discusses Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders, Frances Burney’s Evelina, and Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.
  • Normandin, Shawn. “Jane Austen’s ‘Evelyn’ and the ‘Impossibility of the Gift.’” Criticism 60.1 (2018): 27-46.
  • Oliveira Moreira, Luciane. “A Wonderful Journey into the Fictional Woods of Regency and Victorian Period: From Lizzie Bennet to Jane Eyre” [“Uma Viagem Maravilhosa nos Bosques Ficcionais dos Períodos Regencial e Vitoriano: De Lizzie Bennet para Jane Eyre”]. Organon 33.65 (2018): 1-11. Portuguese and English text. Also on the Web. https://seer.ufrgs.br/organon/article/view/86503/51215.
  • Orestano, Francesca. “Pride and Prejudice alla rovescia: Longbourn di Jo Baker.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 157-76. Italian text.
  • Orr, Ashley. “Plotting Jane Austen: Heritage Sites as Fictional Worlds in the Literary Tourist’s Imagination.” International Journal of Heritage Studies 24.3 (2018): 243-55.
  • Övgü Tüzün, Hatice.  “Reading Jane Austen: Journeys of Self Discovery in The Jane Austen Book Club [“Jane Austen Okumak: Jane Austen Kitap Kulübü Romaninda Kendini Keşif Yolculuklari”]. Journal of the Faculty of Letters 8.16 (2018): 137-49. Also on the Web. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/590749.
  • Owen, David. “The European Reception of Jane Austen’s Works.” Quaderns, Revista de Traducció 25 (2018): 15-27. English text. Also on the Web. https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/quaderns/quaderns_a2018n25/quaderns_a2018n25p15.pdf.
  • Paulson, Michael S. “Present, Period, Crisis: Desynchronization and Social Cohesion in Jane Austen.” Modern Philology 116.2 (2018): 164-85.
  • Pennacchia Punzi, Maddalena. Adattamento, appropriazione, condivisione di un classico: Pride and Prejudice di Jane Austen [Adaptation, Appropriation, Sharing of a Classic: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen]. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2018. Italian text.
  • Peters, Nicole. “Austen’s Malleability: Fans, Adaptations, and Value Production.” Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History 10 (2018): 74-95.
  • Philips, Natalie M., et al. “Patterns of Attention and Memory in Jane Austen.” Lau 156-79.
  • Planková, Gabriela. “On the Importance of Seasons in The Jane Austen Book Club.” B. A. S.: British and American Studies/Revista de Studii Britanice și Americane 24 (2018): 169-78.
  • Poole, Carol, and Ruxandra Trandafoiu. “Migration, Symbolic Geography and Contrapuntal Identities: When Death Comes to Pemberley.” Routledge Companion to Adaptation. Ed. Dennis Cutchins, Katja Krebs, and Eckart Voigts. New York: Routledge, 2018. 194-206.
  • Praminatih, Gusti Ayu, and Homsatun Nafiah. “[Woman]’s World Portrayed in Literary Works of Jane Austen.” Lingua Cultura 12.1 (2018): 77-82. Web. https://doi.org/10.21512/lc.v12i1.4040.
  • Prior, Karen Swallow. “Patience: Persuasion by Jane Austen.” On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2018. 191-204.
  • Pritchard-Pink, Nicola. “Dibdin and Jane Austen: Musical Cultures of Gentry Women.” Charles Dibdin and Late Georgian Culture. Ed. Oskar Cox Jensen, David Kennerley, and Ian Newman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2018. 108-12.
  • Prose, Francine. “Jane Austen.” What to Read and Why. New York: HarperCollins, 2018. 214-20.
  • Quattrocchi, Alessandra. La strategia del silenzio: Le ultime eroine di Jane Austen [The Strategy of Silence: The Last Heroines of Jane Austen]. [N.p.]: Iacobellieditore, 2018. Italian text.
  • Richards-Velinou, Nathan. “Cousins in Love, Etc.: Unspeakable Desire and Transgressive Endogamy in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 190-200.
  • Richardson, Alan. “Jane Austen and the Perils of Mental Time Travel.” Lau 58-74.
  • Rihoit, Catherine. Jane Austen: Un coeur rebelle, biographie [Jane Austen: A Rebel Heart: Biography]. Paris: Écriture, 2018. French Text.
  • Rizzardi, Biancamaria. “Pride and Prejudice e il gioco del silenzio: Allusion e collusion.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 35-48. Italian text.
  • Rogers, Pat. “Wessex Tales: The West Country Background to Jane Austen.” Clark 95-114.
  • Rohrbach, Emily. “‘Without You, I Am Nothing’: On the Counterfactual Imagination in Emma.” Textual Practice 32. 3-4 (2018): 471-88.
  • Runia, Robin. “Persuasive Precedent: Austen Rewrites Edgeworth.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 201-12.
  • Russo, Stephanie. “Austen Approved: Pemberley Digital and the Transmedia Commodification of Jane Austen.” Bautz and Wootten. 512-24.
  • Rytting, Jenny Rebecca. “Jane, Bingley, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Or, the Other Couple in Pride and Prejudice.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Sabor, Peter. “‘The Same Difference as between Real Lace, and Imitation’: Anna Lefroy’s Continuation of Sanditon Revisited.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Santini, Rosemarie. “Loving Darcy.” Publishers Weekly 25 June 2018: 192.
  • Scheinman, Ted. Camp Austen: My Life as an Accidental Jane Austen Superfan. New York: Farrar, 2018.
  • _____. “Inside the Secret Society of Jane Austen Superfans.” Publishers Weekly (Online) 2 Mar. 2018: 26. Web. https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/tip-sheet/article/76185-inside-the-secret-society-of-jane-austen-superfans.html.
  • Schneider, Ana-Karina. “Emotional and Imperial Topographies in ‘Catharine, or the Bower.’” Clark 52-67.
  • Schuessler, Jennifer. “Jane Austen Detested Her First Buyer, the Prince.” New York Times 25 July 2018: C1-C5.
  • Schultheis, Emily. “Philadelphia and the Making of Jane Austen in the United States, 1816–1838.” Bautz and Wootten 454-67.
  • Shabkhez, Hibah. “‘Mrs. Norris’ through the Ages: From Mansfield Park to Harry Potter.” Young Scholars’ Developments in Philology: Cultures in Discourse. Ed. Yulia Lobina. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018. 31-37.
  • Shabkhez, Hibah, Ibreez Shabkhez, and Azka Mahboob. “‘Portsmouth was Portsmouth: Mansfield was Home’: The Reasons behind Fanny Price’s Allegiance to Mansfield Park.” Young Scholars’ Developments in Philology: Cultures in Discourse. Ed. Yulia Lobina. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018. 39-52.
  • Shimazaki, Hatsuyo. Jane Austen and the Invention of Free Indirect Speech. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, 2018.
  • Siegel, Carol, and Bryce Campbell. “Empire of the Sensible: Disciplining Love and the 1990s Austen Craze.” Kramp 131-49.
  • Silcox, Heidi, and Mark Silcox. “The Many Faces of Gossip in Emma.” Dadlez 134-57.
  • Singer, Kate. “Austen Agitated: Feeling Emotions in Mixed Media.” Lau 95-114.
  • Smith, Kenneth. “The Probable Location of Donwell Abbey in Jane Austen’s Emma.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Snider, Zachary. “Austen’s Dandies: Frank Churchill and Henry Crawford Play Dress Up.” Kramp 151-69.
  • Soares, Rebecca. “Morbid Curiosity and Monstrous (Re)Visions: Zombies, Sea Monsters, and Readers (Re)Writing Jane Austen.” Bautz and Wootten 429-42.
  • Soccio, Anna Enrichetta. “Origliare e fraintendere: Pride and Prejudice e l’arte dell’interpretazione.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 49-62. Italian text.
  • Solinger, Jason. “Virginia Woolf and the Gentlemen Janeites, or The Origins of Modern Austen Criticism.” Kramp 211-29.
  • Sørbø, Marie Nedregotten. “Interpretations of Jane Austen’s Irony on Screen and in Translations: A Comparison of Some Samples.” Bautz and Wootten 525-35.
  • _____. Jane Austen Speaks Norwegian: The Challenges of Literary Translation. Leiden, Neth; Boston: Brill / Rodopi, 2018.
  • Speed, Lesley. Clueless: American Youth in the 1990s. New York: Routledge, 2018. About the film Clueless by Amy Heckerling.
  • Stampone, Christopher. “‘Obliged to Yield’: The Language of Patriarchy and the System of Mental Slavery in Mansfield Park.” Studies in the Novel 50.2 (2018): 197-212.
  • Staples, Jo Ann. Jane Austen’s Card Games: 11 Classic Card Games and 3 Supper Menus from the Novels and Letters of Jane Austen. [N. p.]: Austen At Home, 2018.
  • Steele, Kathleen R. “‘Even Miss Bates Has a Mind’: A Cognitive Historicist Reading of Emma’s Miss Bates.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Steiner, Enit K. “‘Till He Began to Stagger Her’: Literary Men and Melancholia.” Kramp 113-28.
  • Stove, Judy. “Alice Meynell and the ‘Consequence’ of Jane Austen.Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Stovel, Nora Foster. “‘Welcome to the 21st Century!’ Modernising Jane Austen: The HarperCollins Project.” Hopkins 105-25.
  • Suryanovika, Citra, and Novita Julhijah. “Directive Speech Acts and Hedges Presented by Female Main Characters of Jane Austen’s Novels.” Lingua Cultura 12.4 (2018): 345-50. Also on the Web. https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Lingua/article/view/4118/3449.
  • _____. “The Influence of Social Status and Solidarity to the Quantity of Utterances in Jane Austen’s Novels.” Humanus: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora 17.1 (2018): 15-25. Indonesian text, English abstract. Also on the Web. http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/humanus/article/view/8041.
  • Sutherland, John, ed. Literary Landscapes: Charting the Worlds of Classic Literature. New York: Black Dog and Leventhal, 2018. Includes a short reference to the Bath setting of Persuasion.
  • Sutherland, Kathryn. “Jane Austen: Fragment Artist.” Essays in Criticism 68.2 (2018): 190-210. Also published in Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Takei, Akiko. “Sanditon and the Uncertain Prospects of a Resort Business.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Tamrin, Andi Febriana. “The Reflection of Regency Gentleman in Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen.” Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language and Teaching Literature 5.2 (2018): 212-18. Also on the Web. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327536489_The_Reflection_of_Regency_Gentleman_in_Pride_and_Prejudice_and_Emma_by_Jane_Austen.
  • Tarpley, Joyce Kerr. “Manhood and Happiness in Emma: Liberal Learning and Practicing the Language of Marriage.” Renascence 70.1 (2018): 23-41.
  • Taylor, Steve. “‘Religious Piety and Pigs’ Brains’: The Faith of Zombies in Burr Steers’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” Persuasions On-Line 38.3 (2018). Web.
  • Tegan, Mary Beth. “‘His Thoughtless Vanity’: The Comic Flaw in Austen’s Errant Heroes.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 171-79.
  • Tigges, Wim. “Lost in Austen: A Postmodern Reanimation of Pride and Prejudice.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Todd, Janet. “Afterword: ‘A Very Civil Salutation.’Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Toner, Anne. “Jane Austen in Cambridge: An Introduction to Sanditon at 200 Years.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “Jane Austen Jotting: The Manuscript of Sanditon and the Question of Style.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “Jane Austen: Letters and Readers. An Exhibition at the Cambridge University Library.Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Torsiello, Elisa. Joe Wright: La danza dell’immaginazione, da Jane Austen a Winston Churchill [Joe Wright: The Dance of the Imagination, from Jane Austen to Winston Churchill]. Milano: Bietti, 2018. Italian text.
  • Trandafoiu, Ruxandra, and Carole Poole. “The Past and ‘The Way We Live Now’: Andrew Davies’ Screen Adaptations of Pride and Prejudice and War and Peace.” Midwest Quarterly 60.1 (2018): 87-110.
  • Trillini, Regula Hohl. “Jane Austen: ‘I Must Keep to My Own Style.’” Casual Shakespeare: Three Centuries of Verbal Echoes. New York: Routledge, 2018. 142-53.
  • Tudeau-Clayton, Margaret. “The Figure of Scheherazade and Jane Austen’s Changing Senses of an Ending.” The Challenge of Change. Ed. Margaret Tudeau-Clayton and Martin Hilpert. Tubingen, Ger: Narr Francke Attempto, 2018. 161-78. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, Vol. 36. Conference of the Swiss Association of University Teachers of English (SAUTE) held at the University of Neuchâtel on 28-29 April 2017.
  • Tuite, Clara. “Jane Austen’s House of Friction.” Persuasions On-Line 38.2 (2018). Web.
  • Valdimarsdóttir, Alda Björk. Jane Austen og ferð lesandans: Skáldkonan í þremur kvennagreinum samtímans [Jane Austen and the Reader’s Journey: The Poet in Three Contemporary Women’s Articles]. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 2018. Icelandic text.
  • Veevers, Marian. Jane and Dorothy: A True Tale of Sense and Sensibility: The Lives of Jane Austen and Dorothy Wordsworth. New York: Pegasus, 2018.
  • Wade, Laura, adapt. The Watsons: A Play Adapted from the Unfinished Novel by Jane Austen. London: Oberon, 2018. Reprinted with revisions in 2019.
  • Wakana, Maya Higashi. “Host-Guest Relationships in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.” Performing Intimacies with Hawthorne, Austen, Wharton, and George Eliot: A Microsocial Approach. Cham, Switz: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 33-72.
  • Wall, Stephen. “Jane Austen’s Judgments (1968).” “Trollope and Character (1988) and Other Essays on Victorian Literature. Ed. Seamus Perry. Introd. Nicholas Shrimpton. London: Anthem, 2018.
  • Wallace, Anne D. Sisters and the English Household: Domesticity and Women’s Autonomy in Nineteenth-Century English Literature. London: Anthem, 2018. References to Austen’s works.
  • Wallace, Beth Kowaleski. “Traveling Shoe Roses: The Geography of Things in Austen’s Works.” Clark 115-27.
  • Wardle, Janice. “Austenland and Narrative Tensions in Austen’s Biopics.” Hopkins 245-66.
  • Webster, Moriah. “Ivory and Canvas: Naval Miniature Portraiture in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Wells, Juliette. “‘Dear Aunt Jane’: Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple and Jane Austen.” Hopkins 199-219.
  • Wels, Reinier. “Pride and Prejudice in Black and White: De vier dochters Bennet (1961–1962).Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • _____. “Pride and Prejudice in Black and White: First and Last Impressions (1938–1967).” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Weltman, Sharon Aronofsky. “Theatricality.” Victorian Literature and Culture 46.3-4 (2018): 913-17. Discusses Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle, and theatricality in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park.
  • West, Carol L. “In Defense of Inconstancy: The Rewards of ‘Second Attachments’ in Persuasion.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 93-103.
  • Whipday, Emma, adapt. Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. With Brian McMahon. New York: Samuel French, 2018. Play based on Austen’s novel.
  • White, Donna R. “Nonsense Elements in Jane Austen’s Juvenilia.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • White, Rebecca. “‘Let Other Pens Dwell on Guilt And Misery’: Jane Austen and Escapism, from Trench Warfare to YouTube Fanvids.” Bautz and Wootten 486-98.
  • _____. “‘What a Man Should Be’: (Re-)Imagining Austenian Masculinity in Film and YouTube Fanvids.” Kramp 191-209.
  • Wijitsopon, Raksangob. “A Corpus Stylistic Study of Singular and Plural Keywords in Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” Kemanusiaan 25.2 (2018): 1-22.
  • Wilkes, Joanne. “The Paradox of Masculine Agency in Jane Austen’s Early Works.” Kramp 61-77.
  • Wilkes, Sue. “Austen’s Landscapes.” JARW 92 (2018): 32-37.
  • Williamson, Ruth. “The Actual and Virtual Letters in Persuasion.” Sensibilities 57 (2018): 103-16.
  • Winborn, Colin. The Literary Economy of Jane Austen and George Crabbe. 2004. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Wong, Bethany. “‘My Fanny’: The Price of Play.” Lau 136-55.
  • Woodifield, Fiona. “Jane’s Literary Children.” JARW 93 (2018): 21-26.
  • Woodworth, Megan A. “‘I Could Meet Him in No Other Way’: Dueling, the Culture of Honor, and Modern Masculinity in Sense and Sensibility.” Kramp 81-95.
  • Wootten, Sarah. “Revisiting Jane Austen as a Romantic Author in Literary Biopics.” Bautz and Wootten 536-48.
  • Worrall, David. “Where Jane Austen Sat: The ‘Austin’ Box at Edmund Kean’s Shylock, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, March 5, 1814.” Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Yelland, Cris. Jane Austen: A Style in History. New York: Routledge, 2018. Routledge Studies in Romanticism.
  • Young, Kay. “Resilience and Jane Austen.” Lau 200-21.
  • Zionkowski, Linda. “Plans of Economy in Persuasion.” Persuasions 40 (2018): 45-60.
  • Zionowski, Linda, and Miriam Hart. “Austen, Music, and Manhood.” Kramp. 253-71.
  • Zohn, Kristin Miller. “‘A State of Alteration’: Stylistic Contrasts in the Musgroves’ Parlor.Persuasions On-Line 39.1 (2018). Web.
  • Zsamba, Renata. “A Matter of Life and Death: Mr. Darcy and Memory in P. D. James’s Death Comes to Pemberley.” History, Memory and Nostalgia in Literature and Culture. Ed. Regina Rudaitytė. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018. 229-40.
  • Zulli, Tania. “Strategie narrative dell’assenza, discorsi coloniali e prospettive transnazionali in Mansfield Revisited di Joan Aiken.” Marroni and D’Alfonso 177-94. Italian text. 

4. Selected Dissertations

  • Aldowkat, Issam. “Literary Orientalism: East-West Literary and Intellectual Interactions in Selected Texts from Late-Eighteenth and Early-to Mid-Nineteenth-Century English Literature.” Diss. Indiana U of Pennsylvania, 2018. DAI-A 79/12(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10830156. Discusses Walter Savage Landor’s Gebir, Robert Southey’s Thalaba the Destroyer, Percy Shelley’s The Revolt of Islam, William Wordsworth’s “Dream of an Arab” from the Prelude, Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, and Charlotte Brontë’s Villette. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2088484933.
  • Anderson, Paula Jean. “Evolving Constructions of Love and Marriage in Austen, Eliot, and Wilde.” Diss. Florida State U, 2018. DAI-A 80/01(E); ProQuest (2018): item 0689676. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2100709097.
  • Bicho, Brianna. “‘Violent Love’: Jane Austen and Eighteenth-Century Marriage Laws.” MA thesis. Seton Hall U, 2018. Web. https://scholarship.shu.edu/dissertations/2539.
  • Bosch, Maria van den. “A Model of Right Feminine Happiness: A Philosophy of the Role of Women in Thomas Aquinas and Jane Austen.” MA thesis. Franciscan U of Steubenville, 2018.
  • Bruno, Dominique Angela. “Affected Behavior: Deceptive Unities in Eighteenth Century Conduct Books.” Diss. West Virginia U, 2018. DAI-A 80/01(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10844774. Ch. 3 is titled “Conducted to a Happy Ending: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and James Fordyce’s Sermons to Young Women.” https://search.proquest.com/docview/2102124252.
  • Cukjati, Alenka. “Emma Approved: A Transmedia Retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma” [Emma Approved: Transmedijska adaptacija romana Emma avtorice Jane Austen”]. MA thesis.  U of Ljubljana [Slovenia], 2018. English text. Web [abstract]. https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/68067938.
  • Cunard, Candace Gail. “Novel Feelings: Emotion, Duration, and the Form of the Eighteenth-Century British Novel.” Diss. Columbia U, 2018. DAI-A 79/10(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10825898. Discusses how writers from Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen taught readers to linger with feelings, particularly ones that might initially produce pain or discomfort. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2054024697.
  • Dashwood, Rita A. “Women in Residence: Forms of Belonging in Jane Austen.” Diss. U of Warwick, 2018. Web [abstract only]. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/128454/.
  • Ferguson, Olivia Mary. “Literary Forms of Caricature in the Early-Nineteenth-Century Novel.” Diss. U of Edinburgh, 2018. DAI-C 78/01; ProQuest (2018): item 13875149. Case studies are drawn from Thomas Love Peacock, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, and Walter Scott. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2204743091.
  • Geiser, Suzanna. “Legal Fictions, Literary Narrative, and the Historical Truth: The Jurisprudence of Marriage in the Long Eighteenth Century.” Diss. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018. DAI-A 79/10(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10786177. Examines the dialectical relationship between legal texts and the novels of Daniel Defoe, Eliza Haywood, Samuel Richardson, Frances Burney, Charlotte Smith, Elizabeth Inchbald, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Jane Austen. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2056936973.
  • Gilliland, Elizabeth. “Jane Austen’s Hidden Bodies: Adaptation as Critical Commentary.” Diss. Louisiana State U, 2018. Web [abstract only]. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations/4589.
  • Grant, Ania. “From Mr. Darcy to Mr. Big: An Evolutionary-Feminist Account of Love and Choice in Popular Romantic Fiction.” Diss. U of Auckland, 2018.
  • Kamal, Sheelan S. “Trauma and Remedies for Traumatic Experiences in Four of Jane Austen’s Novels.” MA thesis. U of Massachusetts Boston, 2018. MAI 57/06M(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10788512. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2051788900.
  • Ladner, Jonathan. “The Sterling Good of Principle and Temper: Moral Accomplishment in the Novels of Jane Austen.” MA thesis. U Dallas, 2018.
  • LaGassé Valle, Stephanie Monique. “The Impossibility of Coexistence: Constraining Womanhood in Sense and Sensibility and Hope Leslie.” MA thesis. U of West Florida, 2018. MAI 57/05M(E); ProQuest, (2018): item 10749572. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2046256639.
  • Lawrenson, Misty Pauline. “Married Silence: Coverture and Voice in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Maria and Jane Austen’s Persuasion.” MA thesis. California State U, Fresno, 2018. MAI 57/06M(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10792353. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2062970189.
  • Ledingham, Angus Roderick. “Styles of Abstraction: Objectivity and Moral Thought in Nineteenth-Century British Literature.” Diss. Yale U, 2018. DAI-A 80/07(E); ProQuest (2018): item 13841683. Ch. 1 discusses Jane Austen in light of arguments about emotion and impartial judgment advanced by such eighteenth-century writers as Samuel Richardson, Adam Smith and Edmund Burke. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2186853437.
  • Llewellyn, Tanya Simone. “Shaking the Whole System of Things: Catastrophe and Continuity in Romantic Narrative.” Diss. Stanford U, 2018. Discusses Walter Scott’s Waverley (1814), Austen’s Persuasion (1817), and Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1812-18).
  • Lukkari, Iina. “Jane Austen’s Women: Attempting to Escape the Gothic Frame.” MA thesis. Université de Lausanne, 2018. Web. https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_S_26398.P001/REF.
  • Martin, Claudia J. “Place and Displacement: The Unsettling Connection of Women, Property, and the Law in British Novels of the Long Nineteenth Century.” Diss. State U of New York at Binghamton, 2018. DAI-A 79/11(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10815770. Ch. 3 examines Jane Austen’s Juvenilia and its bold assault on the inheritance practices that favored men and the mercenary marriages facilitated by Hardwicke’s Act of 1753. https://search.proquest.com/docview/206454126.
  • McCoy, Melissa J. “Journey into Fear: Nineteenth Century Travel, Transportation, and the Disquieting Effects of Change.” Diss. U of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2018. DAI-A 79/09(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10789271. An analysis of nineteenth-century gothic and sensational novels in the context of changes in modes of transportation and mobility; includes a discussion of Austen’s Northanger Abbey, among other works. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2033432435.
  • Morin, Emily. “Emma: The Limited Power of Austen’s Heiress.” MA thesis. College of Staten Island, 2018.
  • O’Malley, Rose. “Darwin’s Failures: Childless Women in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel.” Diss. City U of New York, 2018. DAI-A 79/09(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10810827. Explores Pride and Prejudice and Tess of the D’Urbervilles, among others, to show that a female character’s primary relationship may not be to her romantic partner and potential mate, but rather her sister, whom she influences and protects for the good of the entire family. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2046306928.
  • Parry, Rosalind Aimee. “Remaking Nineteenth-Century Novels for the Twentieth Century.” Diss. Princeton U, 2018. DAI-A 79/09(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10690101. Focuses on three case studies: a 1929 edition of Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native with engravings by Clare Leighton, a 1943 edition of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre with woodblocks by Fritz Eichenberg, and a complete set of Jane Austen’s novels illustrated from 1957 to 1975 by Joan Hassall.  https://search.proquest.com/docview/2036416337.
  • Quinn, Megan Helen. “The Sensation of Language: Jane Austen, William Wordsworth, Mary Shelley.” Diss. Princeton U, 2018. DAI-A 79/10(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10814627. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2056874846.
  • Rerecich, Lindsay Lawley. “Parental Substitution in Jane Austen’s Marriage Plots.” Diss. Catholic U of America, 2018. DAI-A 79/10(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10791271. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2051886081.
  • Reus, Anne Maria. “Virginia Woolf’s Rewriting of Victorian Women Writers’ Lives.” Diss. U of Leeds, 2018. DAI-C 77/11; ProQuest (2018): item 13851945. A study of Woolf’s lifelong engagement with Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë, as well as her sporadic interest in Mary Russell Mitford, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Eliot, Mary Augusta Ward and Margaret Oliphant.  https://search.proquest.com/docview/2189019165.
  • Rueda, Karen Johana. “A Frank Critique of the Monarchy in Jane Austen’s Emma: Presenting a Knightley Exemplar Emanating from Spenserian Allusions.” MA thesis. California State U, Los Angeles, 2018. MAI 57/06M(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10814803. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2061542727.
  • Sharren, Kandice. “Readers in the Margins: Texts, Paratexts, and Reading Audiences in Romantic-Era Fiction.” Diss. Simon Fraser U, 2018. Web. See Ch. 3 “‘When Farther Beauty Is Known to be at Hand’: Navigating the Landscape of the Three-Volume Novel in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park.” https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Readers-in-the-margins%3A-Texts%2C-paratexts%2C-and-in-Sharren/bfcc47b4cfd92df004cdcde5ebfc541aa51d0e1f.
  • Stanley, Kerry. “‘The Novelist of Home’: Silence and the Theorisation of Domesticity in Jane Austen’s Fiction.” Diss. U of Kent at Canterbury, 2018. DAI-C 77/07; ProQuest (2018): item 13831171. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2164135424.
  • Stevens, Kevin Joseph. “Listening for Unreliable Narration: Narrative Noise in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel.” Diss. Fordham U, 2018. DAI-A 79/10(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10812646. Discusses three novels: Sydney Owenson’s The Wild Irish Girl, Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyrehttps://search.proquest.com/docview/2056873103.
  • Teerlink, Amanda. “The Wicked Widow: Reading Jane Austen’s Lady Susan as a Restoration Rake.” MA thesis. Brigham Young U, 2018. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/7100/.
  • Vestri, Talia Michele. “The Sibling in the Self: Kinship A and Subjectivity in British Romantic Literature.” Diss. Boston U, 2018. DAI-A 80/02(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10640690. Drawing from recent work in feminist and queer theory, psychology and psychoanalysis, and sociocultural histories of kinship, this dissertation contributes new readings of canonical texts by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Joanna Baillie, William Wordsworth, Jane Austen, and Mary Shelley. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2124412781.
  • Wong, Bethany J. “‘I Am No Actress’: Theater, Gender, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel.” Diss. U of California, Santa Barbara, 2018. DAI-A 80/02(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10814354. Analyzes texts by Samuel Richardson, Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Jane Austen, and others. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2116268186.
  • Zhuang, Jie. “Ambiguous Agency: The Construction of Femininity in the Gothic Writing of Burney, Radcliffe, Brontë, and Austen.” Diss. U of California, Irvine, 2018. Diss. DAI-A 80/01(E); ProQuest (2018): item 10787224. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2097152872.

5. Popular Culture

  • Altman, Jennifer. To Conquer Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Bilson, Catherine. A Christmas Miracle at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018. Darcy and Lizzy Miracles Bk. 1.
  • Boyd, Christina, ed. Rational Creatures. Fwd. Devoney Looser. [Author]: Quill Ink, 2018.
  • _____. Yuletide: A Jane Austen-Inspired Collection of Stories. [Author]: Quill Ink, 2018.
  • Breen, Bella. Pride and Prejudice and Secrets: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018. Poison Series Bk. 2.
  • Bridges, Elizabeth M. Being Mrs. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Brown, Leah Marie. Badly Done, Emma Lee. New York: Lyrical / Kensington, 2018. Riches to Romance Tale Bk. 3.
  • Brown, Leenie. Mr. Darcy’s Comfort: A Pride and Prejudice Novella. [Author], 2018.
  • Bruzzone, Catherine. Dress-Up Jane Austen. Illus. Hennie Hawthorn. [N. p.]: b Small, 2018. Fashion Paper Dolls Ser.
  • Chater, Lauren. Well Read Cookies: Beautiful Biscuits Inspired by Great Literature. Cammeray, N.S.W. : Simon and Schuster Australia, 2018. Austen gets her own cookie.
  • Burton, Zoe. To Save Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Novel Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Capps, Christie [J. Dawn King]. Lost and Found: A Pride and Prejudice Novella. [Author], 2018. Elizabeth Bennet has gone missing.
  • Chen, Katherine J. Mary B: A Novel. New York: Random, 2018. Mary Bennet gets her due.
  • Clarkston, Nicole. London Holiday: A Pride and Prejudice Romantic Comedy. [Author], 2018.
  • Cresswell, Allie. Mrs. Bates of Highbury. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. The Other Miss Bates. [Author], 2018. Highbury Trilogy Bk. 2.
  • Dash, Gwendolyn. In Darcy’s Arms: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Dixon, P. O. Designed for Each Other: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. Irrevocably Gone: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Fairbanks, Rose. Pledged: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation. [Author], 2018. Loving Elizabeth Bk. 1.
  • _____. Reunited: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation. [Author], 2018. Loving Elizabeth Bk. 2.
  • _____. The Secrets of Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Fischer, Jean. 100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls: Unforgettable Tales of Women of Faith. Uhrichsville, OH: Shiloh Kidz / Barbour, 2018. 18-19. Austen gets a page and a portrait.
  • Gläser, Mechthild. The Forgotten Book. New York: Feiwel and Friends, 2018. A YA Jane Austen-inspired fantasy tale starring a used-to-things-going-her-way Emma.
  • Goodrich, Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy’s Trouble with Officers: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Gordon, Haley. Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG. [Australia]: Storybrewers Roleplaying, 2018. Game with book included.
  • Grace, Maria. A Proper Introduction to Dragons. [Kingwood, TX]: White Soup, 2018. Jane Austen’s Dragons. Prequel to Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon.
  • Greene, Charlotte. Pride and Porters. Valley Falls, NY: Bold Strokes, 2018. The Bennet sisters as craft-beer brewers in Colorado.
  • Grix, Jane. Darcy and the Wicked Waltz: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. Darcy in Love and War: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Hahn, Jan. The Child: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. Oysterville, WA: Meryton, 2018.
  • Hamilton, Eva Maria. Jane Austen’s Persuasion Colouring and Activity Book. [Author]: Lilac Lane, 2018. Featuring illustrations from 1897.
  • Harlan, Susan. “The Dashwoods’ Casual and Tolerably Comfortable Cottage.” Decorating a Room of One’s Own: Conversations on Interior Design with Miss Havisham, Jane Eyre, Victor Frankenstein, Elizabeth Bennet, Ishmael, and Other Literary Notables. Illus. Becca Stadtlander. New York: Abrams, 2018. 185-90.
  • _____. “Elizabeth and Darcy’s Neither Formal nor Falsely Adorned Pad of Privilege.” Decorating a Room of One’s Own: Conversations on Interior Design with Miss Havisham, Jane Eyre, Victor Frankenstein, Elizabeth Bennet, Ishmael, and Other Literary Notables. Illus. Becca Stadtlander. New York: Abrams, 2018. 14-20.
  • Hetschel, Lorraine. Pride and Patience: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Holiday, Jenny. Undue Influence: A Persuasion Retelling. [Author], 2018.
  • Hopkinson, Deborah. Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane Austen: The Story of Six Novels, Three Notebooks, a Writing Box, and One Clever Girl. Illus. Qin Leng. New York: HarperCollins, 2018. Children’s book.
  • Jeffers, Regina. Where There’s a FitzWilliam Darcy, There’s a Way. [Author], 2018.
  • Kablean, Carrie. What Kitty Did Next. Burgess Hill, Eng: RedDoor, 2018. Kitty Bennet gets her own story.
  • Kessel, John. Pride and Prometheus. New York: Saga, 2018. Jane Austen’s Mary Bennet meets Mary Shelley’s Victor Frankenstein.
  • Kincaid, Victoria. The Unforgettable Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • King, J. Dawn. The Letter of the Law: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author]: Quiet Mountain, 2018.
  • Kobayashi, Robin Elizabeth. I, Sofia-Elisabete, Love Child of Colonel Fitzwilliam: A Perfect World in the Moon. [Author], 2018.
  • Lennox, Valerie. The Dread Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. The Scandalous Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. The Unraveling of Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Littlewood, Amelia. Sherlock Holmes and Elizabeth Bennet Mysteries. Vol. 1. [Author]: Cyanide, 2018. Includes three of the author’s mysteries starring Sherlock Holmes and Elizabeth Bennet.
  • Louise, Kara. Mr. Darcy’s Magpie: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author]: Heartworks, 2018.
  • May, Elizabeth, adapt. Pride and Prejudice: A Graphic Revision Guide for GCSE English Literature. Dunstable, UK: Brilliant, 2018. For ages 11-16.
  • McMann, Renata, and Summer Hanford. The Long Road to Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • _____. Love, Letters and Lies: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Midalia, Susan. The Art of Persuasion. Fremantle [Austral]: Fremantle, 2018. What does Jane Austen have to teach a young woman about life, love, and literature in the 21st century?
  • Milbourne, Anna, et al., adapts. The Usborne Complete Jane Austen. Illus. Simona Bursi. London: Usborne, 2018. All the novels retold for a juvenile audience.
  • Mychal, Ann. Laura Place: The Watson Novels. [Author]: J G Books, 2018.
  • Owen, Clare, illus. Pour Your Heart Out: A Journal of Wit, Wisdom, and a Touch of Charm (with Quotes by Jane Austen). New York: Penguin, 2018. A journal using Austen quotations as prompts for writing.
  • Peel, Georgina. Proudly, Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Pierpont, Julia. “Jane Austen.” The Little Book of Feminist Saints. Illus. Manjit Thapp. New York: Random, 2018. 170-72. Includes a portrait of Austen.
  • Pliscou, Lisa. Brave Jane Austen: Reader, Writer, Author, Rebel. Illus. Jen Corace. New York: Henry Holt, 2018. Children’s book.
  • Preston, Rebecca. Elizabeth and Darcy: A Romeo and Juliet Twist: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Reynolds, Abigail. Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author]: White Soup, 2018.
  • Rowland, Jann. Murder at Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author]: One Good Sonnet, 2018.
  • _____. A Tale of Two Courtships: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author]: One Good Sonnet, 2018.
  • Sanchez Vegara, Maria Isabel. Jane Austen. Illus. Katie Wilson. London: Lincoln Children’s Books, 2018. Little People, Big Dreams.
  • Sandiford, M. A. Darcy’s Highland Fling: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Santoni, Manuela. Jane Austen: Her Heart Did Whisper. Trans. Matteo Benassi. Minneapolis: Graphic Universe, 2018. Italian edition published in 2017.
  • Smith, Rebecca. Where's Jane? Illus. Katy Dockrill. London: Ivy Kids, 2018.
  • Starnes, Joana. The Darcy Legacy. [Author], 2018.
  • Stevens, Rebecca, adapt. Northanger Abbey: Original Story by Jane Austen. Illus. Davide Ortu. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2018. Oxford Reading Tree, Level 20.
  • Sukhera, Laaleen, ed. Austenistan. Fwd. Caroline Jane Knight. New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 2018. An anthology of Jane Austen-inspired short stories set in Pakistan.
  • Sylvester, Elizabeth. First Comes Marriage: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Thomas, Gianna. Darcy vs Lady Catherine: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Williams, Caitlin. The Events at Branxbourne: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Winslow, Shannon. The Ladies of Rosings Park: A Pride and Prejudice Sequel and Companion to The Darcys of Pemberley. [Author]: Heather Ridge Arts, 2018.
  • Worth, Cinnamon. Courtships and Corruption: A Pride and Prejudice Variation. [Author], 2018.
  • Zarrella, Kate. A Quick Succession of Busy Nothings: A Coloring Book Featuring the Wit, Wisdom and Sass of Jane Austen. Sacramento: Z Girls, 2018.
  • Zoboi, Ibi. Pride. New York: Balzer and Bray, 2018. A contemporary reimagining of Pride and Prejudice set in Brooklyn.



1. Style: the bibliography follows the MLA 7th edition with this major exception: the medium qualifier is added only for non-print titles (i.e., Web, Film, CD, DVD, Ebook, etc.). Alphabetization follows the NISO rules rather than MLA: a blank space comes before a number or a letter in filing (e.g., Le Faye comes before Leal) rather than letter-by-letter order.

2. Cross-references are used for works in essay collections or anthologies to minimize repetition:  the citation refers to the author/editor and page numbers only; the full citation appears under the author or editor.

3. Annotations are included only for those entries where title alone is not self-explanatory.

4. Reprint editions: the past few years have seen an inordinate number of reprints of older editions, critical works, and biographies, as well as an increased number of books available electronically.  Editor Susan Allen Ford and I agree that all cannot possibly be listed:  we will only see an increase in such works as the reprint publishers, POD suppliers, and ebook companies continue their efforts to make such works available.  I would just make note of this fact and encourage you to search online for older titles you might be looking for to see if they are available in these newer formats, and also alert you that what looks like a new work might actually be a reprint of an older work, and perhaps less expensive in its original edition.

5. Paperback reprints will be included in the annual bibliography only if published four or more years after the original edition.

6. US/UK publication: as a number of works are published in the US and the UK in different years, an effort will be made to include each publication in its publication year, with variations in titles noted.

7. Popular Culture: this category includes sequels, continuations, mash-ups, adaptations, films, merchandise, etc.  This list is selective:  as there are a number of works that are self-published in this area, I have listed only those that are catalogued on WorldCat.  Those titles having no place of publication or publisher noted are cited as “[Author], date.”

8. Kindle/ebooks: if a work is published only as an ebook, it will not be cited. Exceptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

9. Book reviews: a review of a work on Jane Austen is generally not cited unless it is a substantive essay in its own right.

I welcome any comments, suggestions, additions, or corrections. Please email me at bygonebooksvt@gmail.com or jasnavermont@gmail.com.

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